Hello, my name is Jules Bellot

I am a 24-year-old Cinematographer and director based in Lyon, France.

Growing up in the Alps, I have always been drawn to the magnificence of the mountains. Since I can remember, I have been captivated by the interplay of nature's beauty, and people using it as a playground.

What initially began as a simple desire to capture my own sporting endeavors and lifestyle quickly transformed into a profound form of self-expression where music, motion and landcapes would blend together.

Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with an extensive array of brands and talented creatives from around the globe.

Through my work as a director or DP, I have had the privilege of immortalizing extraordinary narratives and capturing the essence of unique stories.

Each project has allowed me to explore the boundaries of cinematography, pushing the limits of what can be achieved with cinema-grade equipment and innovative filming techniques.

My ultimate aim is to forge a deeper connection between the audience and the subject, immersing them in an emotive visual experience.

While my roots may lie in the world of sports, my creative spirit yearns to venture into uncharted territory. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to explore and unveil a diverse range of visuals.

With an insatiable hunger for artistic growth, I am determined to expand my horizons and find new ways of sharing a vision.